Surf in safety!
One thing is certain! The waves continue to roll every day, our team remains active and eager to welcome you. Our beach and surf school is intact and Atlantic Coast Surf School survived to COVID situation and will remain a good practices and quality example in Portugal and around the world!
And you will continue to have an unforgettable surfing experiences and lasting memories!
Our guests and workers’ Health and Safety come first!
We’ve made several important decisions for surf in safety to safeguard the health and minimize contamination risks for all our customers and friends wishing to visit us who, at the same time, naturally, want to make sure they will be kept safe. Trust is only gained with a real and credible notion of security.
We’ve adhered to the Clean & Safe certification, under the supervision of Turismo de Portugal [Portugal’s Tourism Board], thus following the strict specifications it requires.
Our staff will be properly prepared and informed to receive our guests according to the new reality we face. The Atlantic Coast Surf School staff has received specific training to bring them up to date on the best practices according to the official information outlined by the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health.
We regret that, sometimes, all the preventive and sanitary measures can cause some inconvenience and delays in the operation of the various activities available at Atlantic Coast Surf School. However, it’s important to point out that all these changes are legally mandatory in Portugal, in the end serving to mitigate any possible contamination.
Below we list the various changes that Atlantic Coast Surf School has implemented, in its various areas of operation and in its different spaces, to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic.
How will you proceed regarding the various surfing equipment?
Wetsuits – In order to avoid possible contamination, we strongly advise our surf camp customers to always wear the same surfing wetsuit during their stay with us, taking it with them to their accommodations every day, and bringing it back clean the next day.
At the end of the week, your surfing wetsuit will be handed over to us, so we can disinfect it using an appropriate detergent (green detergent with active enzymes!). Following that, the wetsuit will be quarantined until it fully dries out and it can be used again on the following week.
Alternatively, we are offering our customers discount prices when purchasing second hand wetsuits.
Surfboards – After each use, our surfboards will be properly disinfected with a water and bleach solution and, after a short drying time, they’ll be ready to be used again in complete safety.
At Atlantic Coast Surf School, we procede to a wetsuit disinfection after every use.
After a drying period, they’ll be put back in the equipment station, clean and safe, in proper conditions to be used by a new student.
How will you organise your surfing school classes?
In the height of summer, we’ll separate our students from the surf camp from students taking surfing classes, therefore not saying at our houses.
This is possible because, during the months of July, August, and September, we have a shipping container to support the surf camp activity located directly on the beach.
There is a spatial organization that allows for a physical separation between the two types of students we have during the summer.
The surf school students will, thus, have plenty of space on our wooden deck in front of our surf centre to get equipped and prepare for their surfing lessons.
Is it possible to rent surfboards and wetsuits?
Yes, it’s possible. With our sanitation station operating next to our beach surf centre, you will be assured that, when you receive a surfboard or a surfing wetsuit, these have been thoroughly disinfected and ready for surf in safety.
How will our customers be transported?
We will continue the transfer from the Santa Cruz surf house to Praia Azul and Peniche and back. And we’ll continue our guided tours as part of the weekly surf camp programme. However, we must obey the rule of transporting. Inside the vehicle, the use of a mask is mandatory.

Atlantic Coast SurfSchool is back for you, but with some new rules before riding the wave:
Our focus always was to provide to our guests and students, from the 4 corners of the world, a safe and fun contact with the ocean and surfing. The unique sensation of sliding on the surface of the sea, driven by the force of the waves have been allowing to make friends and developing a genuine love for surfing!
We are currently facing the challenge of our lives since the Covid-19 pandemic decisively impacted the way we do business.
Join us on this adventure! Book now your surf holidays.