Congrats! Your surf holidays booking is done!

Thank you for choosing us!

We need a bit more info from you so we can organize better your surf holidays!

In the end of this page, you can find some info for you about schedule and things you need to bring, to help you having an amazing time with us 🙂

So that we manege to provide a better service, we need to know:


Do you Accept our terms and conditions?

13 + 10 =

2 + 7 =












On the first day we settle payment, try the wetsuits and choose your surfboard.
Every day we carefully choose best spot and tides to meet for the first lesson.
After a break we will have the second lesson (in case you have our most popular surf package with 2lessons).
Please be on time.
To be able to give a very good surf lesson, we need to have good and safe conditions that are influenced by the size of the waves, the wind and the tides.
We can’t control the wind and the size of the waves, but we know the exact time of tides!
You will understand the importance of getting the right tides for a good surf session with the theory we give you on the lessons.:)

Having this factors in consideration we’ll set the exact time of the lessons the day before. However you’ll have an idea of the times for all week on your arrival.


  • Small back pack with stuff you want to bring to the beach
  • Sweater for the chilly days
  • Swim suit to use under the wetsuit
  • Every day for surf lessons:
  • Water for the day
  • Sun cream
  • Snack
  • Good mood and positive vibes

We’ll plan the week hoping that you can have some fun discovering new feelings – Surfing and riding waves– and having some quality time as well enjoying the beautiful Praia Azul and Santa Cruz!
Surfing is a big challenge, but a lot of fun!:)
Let us know if you need some more information regarding you surf holidays booking.

Come ready for action!

For more info about surf, check our blog here!